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Annual Prize Giving

Annual Prize Giving

Our school’s biggest event is the Annual Prize Giving, an event that takes place over the course of three days with each day bringing something new. The first day starts off with the Chief Guests, the parents of the serving School Captain, inaugurating the school’s various exhibitions. These exhibitions are put up by students and teachers from every department in Mayo College Girls’ School, showcasing the works of the students themselves. In the evening of the same day, the younger lot of the school put up an enthusiastic Variety Entertainment Programme that comprises enthralling song and dance performances, play enactments, orchestral displays and a whole lot of fun and energy! Immediately after the Variety Entertainment, the entire school collects at the school’s athletics’ grounds for the mind-blowing sports’ day performances which feature perfectly coordinated drills, daring yoga and gymnastics’ displays, and an awe-striking show of the entire school swinging their arms to the same beat in the march past.

The second day of the Prize Giving is the day for the Parent-Teacher Meet. Although we have regular PTMs throughout the year, PG is the one time where every parent gets to meet each and every teacher their child is being taught by, and can devote ample time to learning about their child’s progress so that they can help out their children during the vacations- after all, parents are their child’s first teachers. In the evening, the talent of the students is once again showcased- this time, through a mesmerising equestrian display. This show is followed by tea and then, the centre piece of the event- the Annual Prize Giving Play. The PG Play, as it is popularly known among the students, is the product of months of scriptwriting, auditioning, brainstorming, rehearsing and polishing. Each year, the Play is written, produced and directed, and acted out by our students themselves, under the ever-present guidance of the Director Activities and teachers of the Dramatics’ Society. It is the finest show of the limitless talents our students possess. The objective of this striking event is to provide every individual a platform for participation and discovering new talents in the process.

The third day is the Main Prize Giving event. The day starts with a classical dance performance, followed by a spectacular display put up by the girls of our School’s Orchestra. Then, the Chief Guest and our Principal address the gathering, following which the President of the school’s English society presents the school’s Annual Report- a cumulative report of our school’s performance in various fields, its new undertakings, completed projects, etc. After the report is read out, the distribution of prizes begins with the individual prizes for various academic and co-curricular achievements. Once these are done begins the much-awaited distribution of the trophies for the various inter-house competitions that had been conducted throughout the academic year, all of which culminate into the Best House Trophy. Finally, the Principal announces the name of the child who has been unanimously appointed as School Captain for the forthcoming academic year.

The last day of the Prize Giving is such that it allows children to go back home and celebrate the entire week of Diwali with their families, after which they come back to school and sit for their Half-Yearly Examinations.